Graduate Success

Since 2020, our Graduates have left ICTheatre to join the ‘real world’, and we have watched as they’ve flourished into their careers. Some have produced their own shows, or performed at some of the world’s most iconic attractions, while others have landed their first roles in theatre, commercials and feature films.

ICTheatre focuses on training each student as an individual, meaning they can strive towards their career goals, whatever they may be. While the degree is streamed into two areas of the performing arts – Contemporary Musical Theatre and Acting for the 21st Century – our students have the opportunity to explore a wide range of career paths. These opportunities, partnered with ICTheatre’s focus on creating business-minded individuals, mean that our Graduates have been able to step out into the industry and find their way forwards – no matter the environment or barriers placed before them.

Read on to discover some of our Graduate success stories, and celebrate the work being created by our up and coming industry professionals.

Daffydd Warren
Dancer - Disneyland Paris, Amabassador Cruises, Pantomime
Noa Nikita Bleeker
Actor - Film, Television and Stage
Erin Blanchfield
Dancer - Moulin Rouge, Paris
Lydia Danistan
Actor/Dancer - Stage and Television

More stories from ICTheatre

Any questions?

For questions on or Graduates or how you can be part of the ICTheatre movement, please contact our Enquiries Team on 01273 840 346 or email


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